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Yong-Jin Cho 4 Articles
증례 : 뇌실염과 뇌농양이 합병된 전격적인 크렙시엘라 뇌막염 1례
Joong-Yang Cho, So-Young Park, Dong-Ha Lee, So-Young Seo, Yong-Jin Cho, Han-Joon Kim, Keun-Sik Hong
Korean J Headache. 2007;8(2):110-112.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Klebsiella pneumoniae is a rare, but important cause of community-acquired meningitis. We report a case of fulminant Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis complicated with ventricultis and brain abscess. A 65-year-old man admitted because of headache. He had a history of bacterial meningitis 6-months ago. The findings of CSF profile and culture was compatible with Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis. Rapid progression of ventriculitis was found in a few days. Even though the ventriculitis improved, brain abscess developed in 25 days later.
증례 : 방사선동위원소 뇌수조조영술을 위한 요추천자 후 경질막밑출혈의 악화를 보였던 자발두개내압저하 환자
Yong-Jin Cho, Keun-Sik Hong, Moon-Jun Son, Won-Joo Choe
Korean J Headache. 2007;8(2):106-109.   Published online December 31, 2007
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The nature and clinical relevance of subdural hemorrhage(SDH) in patient with spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) remain unclear. We report two cases of SIH with SDH, and suggest optimal procedure for diagnosis and treatment. Forty three and 31-year-old men presented with severe orthostatic headache, and cranial magnetic resonance imaging showed bilateral subdural hematomas and diffuse meningeal enhancement. There were no history of head trauma and lumbar puncture. Indium-111 Radioisotope cisternography through lumbar puncture showed multiple CSF leaks along the spinal axis. Orthostatic headache disappeared after treatment with epidural blood patch. However, those patients showed drowsy mentality in a few days. Brain CT revealed increased amount of SDH. Surgical removal of subdural hematoma was performed. Both patients were recovered and did not complain orthostatic headache any more. We suggest that additional epidural blood patch at the site of lumbar puncture could be helpful to prevent potential CSF leakage.
증례 : 다발성 농양 및 안내염을 동반한 크렙시엘라 뇌막염 1례
Jong-Kwan Park, So-Young Park, Dong-Ha Lee, Yong-Jin Cho, Joong-Yang Cho, Han-Joon Kim, Keun-Sik Hong
Korean J Headache. 2006;7(2):118-120.   Published online December 31, 2006
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Klebsiella pneumoniae usually causes pneumonia, pyogenic liver abscess, and bacteremia. Meningitis is a rare form of Klebsiella infection. We report a case of Klebsiella meningitis associated with liver abscess, renal abscess, and endoph- thalmitis. A 69-year-old man presented with headache, fever and altered mentality. Antibiotic therapy was administered under the impression of bacterial meningitis based on brain CT and CSF examination. Despite the improvement of CSF profiles, patient was deteriorated with aggravation of laboratory profile such as liver enzyme, bilirubin, and creatinine levels. Multiple liver and renal abscesses were found on abdominal CT and treated with abscess drainage. Klebsiella was isolated in blood, urine and liver abscess cultures. During the hospitalization, endophthalmitis occurred and resulted in visual loss despite treatment. Klebsiella infection should be considered as one of causative pathogen in case of meningitis associated with abscess and endophthalmitis.
외상 후 두통
Yong-Jin Cho
Korean J Headache. 2002;3(2):83-92.   Published online December 31, 2002
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Post-traumatic headache is a new headache that follows a blunt or open injury to the head or brain. But there has been controversies surrounding the diagnosis of post-traumatic headache. The pathophysio- logy is not well known, either. On the other hand, the revision of IHS(International Headache Society) classification of headache will be scheduled on 2003. So it is helpful to review the clinical features, pathophysiology, treatment, and to preview the proposal for new diagnostic criterior of post-traumatic headache. Korean Journal of Headache 3(2):83-92, 2002

Headache and Pain Research : Headache and Pain Research